Cambridge Teslathon 2003 Click on an image for a better view. More (and better quality) pictures
can be obtained by emailing tesla@ the space)
Adam Hordens Rather nicely built VTTC
In Action
Arc to Florecent
Art to air, Classic vttc spark about 12" long ..
Bob Golding coil, Showing arcs with no power in , whilst Dave Gamble
was tuning his coil
Dave Gambol's coil giving solid 7'+ sparks to an earth rod
Dave Gambol's coil giving nice (large) Streamers.
Dave Reeve's new coil having its first day out..
Dave Reeves Coil Running and giving nice arcs from various
Daves Reeves Coil giving some sparks from a pencil
My(Derek Woodroffe) Own Kit , for demonstrations.
Big Tess , giving 2' streamers for the crowd.
Change of topload
for 26" Arcs to ground
Maggot , 8"
Streamer to Air
Ikle Tess, Arcing to
an earthed object. (No kids were harmed during this photo)
Mike Harrison, Detonates
some Gituar wire with his destructatron.
Phil Parry Descovers
that PVC does conduct. (Mike Tucknott, please add to your page!!)
Phil Parry, with a
Lit Sodium lamp from his VTTC
Phil Holding a
screwdriver that is smoking. (no, its not comming from Phil, although he
did burn his finger!!)
Phil Parry &
Mark Hales load a large transformer into into phils car.
Photo of
Transformer, Could be the start of a scary VTTC
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Tesla Coils and High Voltage