Cambridge Teslathon
My (Derek Woodroffe) SSTC2 |
My SSTC2 with a 1Kw Lamp Plasma globe |
Me, Waiting for sparks from my OLTCII |
Hay It Still Works. |
And Continues to work.. |
Mark Hales Brought the last of his cubes of sodium. An placed then one by one into a bucket of water. |
The Sodium was coated in oil and so took a while for the water to get into contact. |
Contact !! |
Another Peice, never got a really good contact with the water |
The last peice was squashed to give a better surface area. |
Mike Harrison looking deeply into his new Spark-O-phone. |
Ans Mike's small Spark-O-phone. (The pan pipes of death?) |
Paul Benham brought his Big coil |
And displayed some large streamers |
Philip Strauss brought his excelent 20" bonetti machine. |
Which gave 15+cm sparks |
Steve Connor arrives with his DRSSTC in tow. |
And it proceded to give excelent displays of sparks. |
that were huge for its small size. |
With no problems at all. |
Steves DRSSTC with a spinner on top |
Which It failed to move one inch. Where as My OLTC drove it quite well. See, DRSSTC's can't do Everything as well as OLTC's |
Streamers avoiding a sphere |
More Arcs to the spheres. |
And even more... |
The Coilers and Visitors |
And thanks to the Cambridge museum of technology for hosting the event. |